Sherry McGraw SSISD Business Manager

Sulphur Springs ISD Business Manager Sherry McGraw said putting together the budget for this school year was relatively easy. Lots of things that were started last year were continued including a new salary scale and different pay grades. Ms. McGraw said the tax rate was reduced one-cent on the Interest and Sinking fund side. The budget includes 22 new positions mostly due to co-teaching and extra aides.

Sulphur Springs ISD Business Manager Sherry McGraw said she was glad to see the end of last school, year’s budget. It required spending $1.7-million out of the fund balance. Board approved projects included removing water under the Middle School, purchasing $500,000 for Ipads for students and $43,000 for graphing calculators. Ms. McGraw said auditors were still pleased with the district’s fund balance at the end of the old budget year.

By Don Julian, KSST News and Sports Director

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By Doug Haston, KSST Videographer

Author: KSST Webmaster

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