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A & M-Commerce Open Forum to Discuss Carrying Concealed Handguns on Campus

A & M CommerceCOMMERCE, TX— Texas A&M University-Commerce has created a task force to make recommendations for implementing Senate Bill 11, a measure that would allow the carrying of concealed handguns on campus.

The task force, composed of faculty, staff and students will host a campus forum during a University Community Update on Wed. Oct. 28 at 4 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center. Students, faculty and members of the community will be able to ask questions and provide feedback to the task force during the forum.

“We are engaging in a deliberative and highly inclusive process to ensure not only that we comply fully with SB11, but also ensure the safety of the campus community,” said A&M-Commerce President Dan R. Jones.

The bill allows the university latitude to set rules regarding the storage of handguns on campus and even the creation of gun-free zones. Areas such as laboratories, health centers and athletic events might be designated as “gun-free” for reasons of public safety.

The new measure will take effect on Aug. 1, 2016. Only concealed handgun license holders would be able to carry handguns on campus. The bill does not allow openly carrying or intentionally displaying weapons.

All schools in The Texas A&M University System, including A&M-Commerce, will submit campus-carry policies and procedures to the chancellor and the Board of Regents by Feb. 1 for review.

Students, faculty, staff and members of the community can give their opinions online or by attending one of the campus forums.

For more information about the campus concealed carry and to read an FAQ, visit:

Author: Staff Reporter

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