Pastor H.B. Nash Sr. and Church Mother Mary Ross shared some of the plans for the Sesquicentennial Celebration at Morning Chapel Missionary Baptist Church during the KSST Good Morning Show. Celebration activities and special services will be held on Saturday August 18 and Sunday August 19, 2018, and the community is invited to share their joy.
The history of Morning Chapel Missionary Baptist Church reveals that the church was established in 1868 the North Caney Community as Old Tarrant Church. In 1897 a new church building was erected and renamed Morning Chapel with relocation to Sulphur Springs at the corner of Fuller and Front Street, facing Front Street. Following a fire in the 1970’s and new construction, the church now faces the other street, at 208 Fuller Street.
The Sesquicentennial Celebration Committee Chairman is Sister Lillian Fralin. Chairman of the Finance Committee is deacon Lewis Charles Hawkins. They and many other committee members have worked tirelessly during 2018 to make the celebration memorable for the many will travel to attend this Homecoming. There will be a Saturday picnic with fun, food and fellowship. On Sunday at 11am, there will be Worship services and a message by Reverend Dennis Daniels of First Baptist Church in Houston, who is a native of Sulphur Springs and Morning Chapel. At noon there will be a luncheon, and then at 3pm, a special service for the community led by Reverend Eddie L. Jenkins of Good Street Baptist Church of Dallas, who is a grandson of church member Jasper Nash. Everyone is invited to attend. Expect to be be met with warm welcomes, hearty handshakes, exuberant music and heartfelt messages at all services of Morning Chapel Missionary Baptist Church.
Church Mother Mary Ross joined the church in 1944 when their family of 18 moved to town from East Caney. She was raised in the church and attended BTU, or Baptist Training Union, and the youth of that organization received excellent mentorship and training that would guide many into Christian adulthood. In recent years, she succeeded Clara Bridges as Church Mother.
H.B. Nash was born in Sulphur Springs and raised in Morning Chapel Baptist Church. During high school, he was a member of KSST Radio Workshop which led to career opportunities for him in the Metroplex. He returned to Sulphur Springs and succeeded the late H.B. Montgomery as Pastor at Morning Chapel in 1995.