Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Alliance Bank Debit Card Program Supports Our SSISD

Tom Sellers, President and CEO of the Alliance Bank and James Beasley, Alliance Bank Operations Support Officer present Superintendent Mike lamb of the SSISD $1500.00 from the proceeds of the banks debit card promotion.

Alliance Bank donates $.05 for every qualifying debit card purchase made with a SS Wildcat themed debit card.

  • This is a new program.  Bank and ISD are very pleased that cardholders maxed out the donation on the inaugural year.
  • Alliance Bank is working to expand the program into more schools in the current school year.
  • Pictured are Tom Sellers – President and CEO, Michael Lamb – SSISD Superintendent, and James Beasley – Operations Support Officer.



Author: KSST Webmaster

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