Brashear News 10/15/14 by Debbie Young

My question asking about how to get rid of mice has been answered. My friend, Wanda Jenkins said to take Bounce sheets and leave around in places mice like to congregate. She also gave me more uses for these wonderful sheets. Thank you Wanda. Melba Blount, called and told me to get a screwdriver and steel wool. Then take these with the steel wool to fill holes around pipes that are entering your house. She also mentioned that I might need to check my dryer vent. Definite must be place to check in my book. Thank you ladies for your help.

Loving this cooler weather. The rain has been great. We have had 3.75 inches and proud of it.

Now another problem, the crows are eating our pecans. We tried cd’s on limbs and that hasn’t made any difference. We have a good crop but we may not get very many between crows and the squirrels. Suggestions please.

I mentioned last week about election training. If you would like to learn more about the process and help out, please contact Debbie Shirley. She can set you up with the training on-line. She definitely can use the help come election day.

Stew Fest is fast approaching. The numbers are growing. Can’t wait. Team Young will be cooking stew for their first time. We will have our family there so please stop by and meet all of my children and their families.

Take time to enjoy this weather. Remember to call me at 903.612.8806; email me at [email protected]; or come by for a visit on CR 1119. I would love to meet each and everyone of you who read my news. Thank you. Also a special birthday shout to my daughter in law, Jamie Young and to my grandson, Zack Young.


Author: KSST Webmaster

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