Sulphur Springs High School had their first UIL meet of the year in Mt Pleasant on October 24-25. The Computer Science Team took home the first place team trophy. Literary Criticism placed first, also, as a team. Finally, the Journalism Team received the second place Team trophy.
The medalists in Ready Writing, which competed on Oct 24, were Mikenzie Hohenberger in first, Lydia Burleson in second, and Chase Charlton in fifth. The medalists in Literary Criticism were Mikenzie Hohenberger in first, Patricia Parks in fourth, Shania Harmon in sixth, and Laura Graham in seventh. Computer Science had M. Hunter Allen in first, Sean Allemang in second, and Tim Charlton in fourth. Calculator Application medalist was Rodulfo Perez in ninth. Perez also placed sixth in Number Sense. Steven Payne placed fourth in News, Feature, and Headline Writing and sixth in Editorial Writing. Patricia Parks placed first in News Writing.
The competitions with medalists from SSHS were Ready Writing, Literary Criticism, Computer Science, Calculator Applications, News Writing, Feature Writing, Editorial Writing, Headline Writing, and Number Sense.