Dike Volunteer Fire Department responded to put out a potentially large grass fire. Once again, area volunteers put down their work and rushed to fight a fire. This fire call was to a hay field north of Dike, TX. Speculation at the scene indicated the fire was started by a tractor mower. Units from Hopkins County Fire Department and Brinker Volunteer Fire Departments also responded.
The fire was put out quickly and no one was injured and there was no equipment loss.
Local fire departments report regularly this time of year to put out dangerous fires. Our current weather is very conducive to fires.
Always avoid discarding cigarettes and other objects that lead to fires. Dry grass, wind, and hot weather can be a dangerous combination.
The best way to get rid of a grass fire is not letting one start. Don’t burn trash, leaves, or brush without the right supervision. Leaving the sight of a burn for even a few minutes can start a major fire quickly especially when the wind is blowing. When using grills make sure trees, leaves, and your home is at least 15 feet away. Avoid parking cars or other machinery on dry grass. You car’s exhaust can reach 1,000 degrees F and it only takes 500 degrees F to ignite dry grass. Always keep watch of all equipment when in use to avoid fires from starting.