Fouse Seeks Republican Nomination for Commissioner Precinct 1

Fouse  Ray Fouse announces his candidacy for Commissioner of Hopkins County Precinct 1 in the Republican Primary Election. He was raised and grew up in the dairy business in Hopkins County. His family was involved in the dairy industry for 34 years until 2009. He currently operates a custom hay baling business and raises beef cattle. His wife is Melissa Darden Fouse and they have been married 27 years. They are lifelong residents of Hopkins County. Melissa is a teacher for Sulphur Springs Independent School District. They have two grown children. They reside at County Road 1195 in the Arbala Community. They attend Seymore Church of Christ. He currently serves on the Arbala Cemetery Board of Directors. In the past, Fouse has been involved in the Young Farmers Association and Northeast Texas Livestock Association (NETLA) Market Show.

Fouse stated “My past experience in maintaining and operating heavy equipment and baling hay for my customers has given me insight to the county roads in Precinct 1. I would like to continue to build a better future for our County. I believe in the continued growth of Precinct 1 and Hopkins County. I encourage growth in business in the city as well as the County. I am conservative in my views. If elected I will be ready to fully devote my time to this office and the people of Hopkins County.”

Author: Staff Reporter

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