School Holidays Ahead; Early Dismissal, Return Dates

school bussesMost schools in the area are getting a jump on the holiday. All but one school in the Hopkins County area will dismiss early for the holidays. Two schools will dismiss early today and Friday. Here is a list of area schools and their schedule:

All students and staff in the Sulphur Springs ISD will be released an hour early on Friday, December 18th for the Christmas Holidays. Buses will also run one hour ahead of their regular schedule. The district asks that parents, “Please make this adjustment to your family schedule for the afternoon of Friday, December 18th.” Students will return January 5th. Teachers have a preparation day, January 4th.

Cumby Schools will not dismiss early Friday but will observe the holidays until January 4th, when students return to class.

Miller Grove Schools will dismiss at noon Friday. Students return January 5th.

Yantis Schools dismiss at 1 p.m. Friday. Students return January 4th.

Saltillo Schools dismiss at 1:30 p.m. Friday. Students return January 4th.

Como Pickton Schools dismiss at noon Friday. Students return January 5th.

North Hopkins Schools dismiss at 1 p.m. Thursday and Friday. Students return to class January 5th.

Sulphur Bluff Schools dismiss at 1 p.m. Thursday and Friday with students returning to class January 5th.

Author: Staff Reporter

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