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Tira News By Jan Vaughn

Tira News

By Jan Vaughn


Jackson Dailey will be graduating Magna Cum Laude with his Bachelor’s of Science in History and Computer Information Systems from Texas A&M-Commerce on Saturday. Kim Beck reports, “We are so proud!”

Debra Wood and her sister Barbara Cockrum recently returned from a trip to Williamsburg and Jamestown, Virginia, for the yearly gathering of the “Lee Society of Virginia.”  Each year the Lee cousins gather in a place where their Lee ancestors lived. Debra and Barbara enjoyed eating out and shopping on their way to Williamsburg. The two traveled through Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, arriving at Williamsburg Inn on Friday afternoon. Friday night was the Society’s first meal of the weekend. The delicious meal was prepared at Jamestown, where Charles Lee arrived in 1640. This was also the same sight where Pocahontas and John Smith lived their lives. On Saturday, the cousins attended their annual meeting in Old Town Williamsburg, which was followed by a delicious lunch at the Seasons Restaurant. Saturday’s evening meal was served at the conference room at the Williamsburg Inn. All present enjoyed the weekend together again. This was Debra and Barbara’s 2nd Lee Society gathering. The two went to church on Sunday in Richmond, where they had once attended about 8 years earlier. After church, they headed toward Tennessee to make their trek back to Texas. Debra and Barbara are excited about next year’s reunion, which will be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The Aiguier Cemetery Association will have their annual meeting and homecoming on Sunday, June 5th , on the cemetery grounds. A pot-luck meal will be

shared at noon, followed by visiting and a brief business meeting.

I always need and appreciate input from my friends to help keep me informed of news in our community. If you have any news pertaining to Tira residents, past or present, please contact me, Jan Vaughn, at 903-945-2190 or 903-438-6688 or [email protected].



tira community center


Author: KSST Webmaster

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