Schools in Hopkins County are gearing up for the new school year.
Cumby ISD Varsity and Junior High Cheerleaders are attening a cheer camp in Oklahoma to prepare for Trojan Football season. The first day of school in Cumby is August 22.
At Miller Grove the foundation has been poured for the new elementary building. The Miller Grove FFA Chapter plans a hamburger supper August 25th, during the first week back at school.
Yantis Owls Cross Country Team has begun conditioning for the new season Volleyball practice begins August 1st. August 22nd is the first day back to school at Yantis. Meet the teacher for elementary students is August 18, at 6 p.m. High School students will pick up schedules August 18th at 6:30 p.m. Yantis residends will be voting in August regarding an increase in the school tax rate.
Como-Pickton CISD plans a back to school bash on Saturday August 20th from 10 am. until noon to meet teachers, drop off school supplies, enjoy a hot dog lunch and mee the Eagles. First day of school is August 22.
Saltillo ISD’S summer projects include a remodel of the school cafeteria, which is almost complete. Saltillo teachers return on August 16th and students begin class August 23rd.
Sulphur Bluff ISD plans a Meet The Teacher on August 18th from 5:30 until 7 p.m. Students can pick up schedules, drop off supplies and parents can meet the teachers that evening. A hot dog supper will be served by the school board. Students return to class August 22.
North Hopkins ISD is wrapping up volleyball camps and students begin class August 22.