Senior Olympics is Thursday, August 25th at the ROC at 1st Baptist Church 1K Race starts at 9:30 am and the other games start at 10:00 am. There are lots of categories that you can sign up to compete in.. You can compete in ALL of them or just choose which ones you would like. We will have a 1K Race, Bean Bag Toss, Horse Shoe Pitching, Nerf Javelin, Washer Pitching, Scooter Races, Wheelchair Races and Walk Races.
All of the Events are fun and will have 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Olympic Medals given out in each of these events and in each of these age categories: 50-59, 60-69, 70-79 and 80 and up. I have also made a category for those that use a cane, are on a walker or in a wheelchair.

We will be having a Seniors Citizens Cook Out right after the Olympics at the ROC. You do NOT have to participate in the Olympics to attend the cookout. The cook out is also FREE because of wonderful sponsors.
Please print out entry form and bring to Karen Weatherman at the Senior Citizens Center as soon as you can. If you can not open or print the form come by the Senior Center and she will have the forms for you to fill out.
They hope everyone will participate, as it is ALWAYS a FUN event.