Closures: Cumby ISD, Miller Grove ISD, SSISD, Como-Pickton ISD, North Hopkins ISD, Meal-A-Day, Community Chest

Bill Bradford Road Update

The good news is that all water, sewer, and drainage work on Bill Bradford Road has been completed and Atmos Energy will complete their gas lines within a week. The continuation of work on Bill Bradford Road will continue to limit traffic and as the concrete roadway is put in place a definite traffic balancing act will begin, according to City Manager Marc Maxwell.

Maxwell told KSST News Friday morning that cement stabilization and demolition of the street will begin after the Labor Day Holiday. The street will be closed to through traffic but will remain open to business and resident traffic.

Bill Bradford Road will be concrete and not asphalt paving. When the concrete pour begins, Maxwell stated that it will all efforts will be made to continue business and resident access on the street. However, the concrete will need time to cure and therefore access will be more difficult.

Ten years ago in August, the signs announcing Bill Bradford Road replaced the old signs that carried the former name for the street “Radio Road”. The name was changed in the June, 2006 City Council meeting.

Bill Bradford Road

Author: Staff Reporter

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