Brashear News

Whoa that rain was nice? We had 1.4 inches of rain. Unexpected blessing.
Do you have army worms? I heard they were bad in Hunt County and my neighbor, Mike Moore, told me yesterday he had to spray his pastures for worms. We loved watching the plane fly over. Hope they haven’t made their appearance in your pastures. Hoping for second cutting with all of this rain.
Wildcat Day in Florida. Hope all is well with the hurricane making landfall last night. Take care and show them how it is done in Texas. Love the Wildcats!
Have had several people ask, “how’s the garden?” Tom has been picking about 4 pints of okra a day and babying his few tomato plants and pepper plants. By babying, I mean watering and praying for results. We did get one pepper this week. We shall see.
I am so sorry that I have not posted any Brashear News in a few weeks. It has been pretty quiet out here in God’s country. School starting is about all the news I had. Do want to thank our Precinct 1 Road crew for the mowing job. You did good.
Friday morning and I guess this is all I have to report. Please call me at 903.612.8806; email me at; or drop by CR 1119 for a visit. Would love to share your news with the rest of our community. “It takes a village” is a new saying I have been hearing a lot lately on that note it takes your help to get the news out. Thanks.


Author: Staff Reporter

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