In response to the double fatality accident Monday involving a North Hopkins Co-op Education bus, North Hopkins ISD issued the following statement from the office of Superintendent Dr. Darrin Jolley:
The Hopkins County Special Education Cooperative is saddened to report the loss of a special education teacher and bus driver, Mr. Perry Evans.
Mr. Evans was pronounced dead at the scene of a school bus accident when a northbound car veered into the southbound lane and hit the bus head-on about 6:45AM Monday morning on State Highway 19, north of Sulphur Springs, Texas. The driver of the car also did not survive the collision. Special Needs Assistant, Cherrie Bolden Brantley was also on the bus at the time of the accident. She was transported to a local hospital and is being treated for wrist and leg injuries. There were no students on the bus at the time of the accident.
The Hopkins County Special Education Cooperative extends prayers and condolences to both families who experienced loss today. Based in Sulphur Springs, the North Hopkins Special Education Cooperative serves four rural school districts: North Hopkins ISD, Sulphur Bluff ISD, Saltillo ISD, and Miller Grove ISD.
Dr. Darin Jolly commented, “Today has been a very challenging day in our school following the loss of Mr. Perry Evans. It has been consoling to see the teamwork, love, and dedication of our faculty and community through this crisis. We are counseling our staff and students during this time. Additionally, we have had numerous calls, emails and support from leaders of other districts in our area. Superintendents in the Region 8 Education Service Center were in a conference meeting when the notification was communicated. The conference paused to pray for the families of those involved. Passionate educators step up everyday for students in classrooms for their calling to serve and make a difference in all that they do. Today, everyone has gone the extra mile to encourage each other and love our students and families during this time of loss.”
Mr. Perry Evans, 52 was a well known teacher, coach, and administrator in the northeast Texas area for several years in the Sulphur Bluff and Fannindel schools. He had retired before returning this year to education as a teacher and bus driver for the Hopkins County Special Education Cooperative.
Jolly continued, “Mr. Evans was a dedicated team player who brought positive energy to our special education classrooms and daily exhibited role model leadership for everyone within his influence. He will be greatly missed, but we are truly thankful for every day that we had him as part of our Hopkins County family.”