“Updated” Photo Walk Winning Entries

As part of the annual World Wide Photo Walk, the Sulphur Springs Downtown Business Alliance hosted a local Photo Walk on Saturday October 8, 2016. There was a handful of amateur photographers who turned out for this year’s contest, and the quality of the entries was impressive, taken from sites around Celebration Plaza and Heritage Park. A reception for contestants was held at City Hall on October 15, with winners announced and prizes awarded.  Here’s the list of winners:

black-white-man-photo-walkFIRST PLACE  Andy Pendleton, B&W, face of an old man

yellow-flower-photo-walkSECOND PLACE  Steve Hudson, Color, yellow hibiscus flower

church-photo-walkTHIRD PLACE  Andy Pendleton, First UMC steeple and statue

HONORABLE MENTION Joe McCorkle, photo of man in blue shirt

HONORABLE MENTION Andy Pendleton, vintage fire truck in park


Author: Enola Gay

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