Officials in Hopkins County like to swear-in newly elected and re-elected county office holders on January 1. They will do so again this time except, since New Year’s Day falls on Sunday, the time will be later than usual. The ceremony will take place at 4 p.m. in the District Courtroom at the County Courthouse. County Judge Robert Newsom said the later time would allow those who want to attend to go to church Sunday morning and to watch the Cowboys game at noon. Judge Newsom encouraged the public to attend. Local officials elected in November include Eighth District Court Judge Eddie Northcutt, Sixty-Second District Court Judge Will Biard, District Attorney Will Ramsey, County Attorney Dustanna Hyde Rabe, Sheriff Lewis Tatum, Tax Assessor-Collector Debbie Pogue Jenkins, County Commissioner, Precinct 1 Mickey Earl Barker, County Commissioner, Precinct 3 Wade Bartley, Constable, Precinct 1 Norman Colyer and Constable, Precinct 2 William B. “Bill” Allan.