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Sulphur Springs Public Library Director’s Report


Behind every great community is a great library! The Sulphur Springs Public Library is a great place to:
Tour. We recently led the Sulphur Springs Adult Leadership Class through a tour of the library. They said of the tour: “The library is a great asset to our community. It is versatile and important to our citizens.” We have tours for the St. Clair music box collection and the Sinclair WWII collection, in addition to a general library tour. Call ahead and schedule a tour today. 903-885-4926
Interact. The library is a great place to interact and explore at a centrally located meeting space. Numerous school groups meet in the Storytime Room on a regular basis. The conference room for students and adults is used for many purposes including tutoring groups, study groups, small meetings and job interviews. We believe that continued learning is crucial to a community’s success.
Learn. We offer Computer Coach, a program where a library staff can sit with you for 10 minutes to assist you with anything you need on the computer. Job application, write a letter, set up and use an email, fill out online paperwork…just about anything you feel you would like assistance with. Call 903-885-4926 and set an appointment today.

Read. Love of reading begins at a young age. My dad read to me and my little sister every night and many times in between. Some of my favorites were: Amos and Boris, Goodnight Moon and Flat Stanley.
Oprah Winfrey said of the library, “Getting my library card was like citizenship; it was like American citizenship.”
Remember. Do you remember your first library card as a child? The majesty of book filled shelves full of characters, adventures and faraway settings? That’s because someone in your life felt the library was an important part of childhood. Share your library story with us so we can share with others.

*Watch the library calendar for Adult library events in February or call us for details. 903-885-4926.

I guess the holidays find me a little nostalgic. Do you remember visiting the library as a child?
The rows of books and the majesty of the shelves filled with characters, stories and faraway settings?

That’s because someone in your life felt the library was an important part of childhood. If you are a parent or grandparent, ask yourself, “Is it important that my child/grandchild remember their trips to the library?” Make a difference in a child’s life by taking them to the library on a regular basis A library should be a place of living, not a vacation destination. A library should be like going to a friend’s house, where you know where your favorite things are. It warms my heart when a family comes in and the children run to their favorite section of books to choose from…Bernstein Bears, Curious George, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Fancy Nancy, Amelia Bedelia, Stuart Little, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Little House on the Prairie.

My dad read to me and my little sister every night and many times in between. If you are in my office, there is a great photo of him reading to us. Those are cherished memories for me. Some of my favorite childhood books were Amos and Boris, Goodnight Moon, Flat Stanley, Francis the Raccoon.

Hope Cain, Director of the Sulphur Springs Public Library.

Author: Staff Reporter

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