New oven and a much needed Vent-A-Hood
Things are looking up in the kitchen at First United Methodist Church in Sulphur Springs. A gigantic Vent-A-Hood now has dominion over heat and fire safety. The kitchen where Dinner Bell makes it weekly meals is nearing completion. In addition to the ventilation and fire safely upgrades a new commercial double oven stands ready.
Head cook Judy Gilreath gives a tour to remember. Highlights include the washing station, the French “industrial food processor” and the time saving Iced Tea machine. “It’s a community event each Wednesday”, says Gilreath. Cooks and helpers from different denominations help in the preparation and delivery of meals.
Support for the Dinner Bell come from many sources. United Way helps foot the bill as well as a weekly sponsor. The sponsor provides food and helpers. Sponsors can be a business, a group, or even in memory of a loved one. Sunday School classrooms have a jar where church members make donations as well.
Diners come from all walks of life. The dinning room is wheelchair accessible. Young, old, needy or just hungry… Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to come.
Dinner Bell is on for January 11th after a 3 week hiatus due to the essential upgrades to the kitchen.