AUSTIN- After months-if not years-of negotiations, Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings sent a letter out to the Dallas Taxpayers Thursday labeling the pension solution bill authored by the Chairman of the House Pensions Committee, Representative Dan Flynn (R-Van), a “taxpayer bailout.”
“I am deeply disappointed in the Dallas Mayor making allegations and spreading incorrect information that won’t hold up under scrutiny,” said Chairman Flynn. “If the Mayor would have waited a day he would have found out that his ‘improvements’ to the Plan language would have not only been NOT backed up by the objective review of the Pension Review Board, he would have realized his own staff gave him incorrect information based upon unsubstantiated assumptions about the plan itself that lead to claims in his letter his own actuarial team won’t back up but he touted as true.”
Chairman Flynn and his staff have worked tirelessly on a pension solution for the Dallas Police and Firemen that will not only save the pension itself, but also make the plan actuarially sound. Without actuarial soundness, the plan will completely diminish within the next few years leaving many retired Dallas Police and Firemen across the state without a pension at all.
“I have offered time and time again for the Mayor to provide workable solutions but he has resorted to bullying and name calling while we are working on solutions rather than focus on protecting the 10,000 Police and Fire retirees, members and their families,” said Chairman Flynn. “That lends a lot of credence to the opinion of many that the Mayor just wants to take over the Plan and drastically attack benefits by collapsing the plan. Well that’s not going to happen. The city can’t recruit because they have a preference for parks over police and firemen, suggesting to everyone those officers rate below dirt and grass. The current legislation raises no taxes and requires no bonds and I have no idea why the Mayor thinks it is so. I suggest he stops wasting taxpayer dollars on expensive PR firms, lobbyists and lawyers, quit claiming bankruptcy is the answer and starts taking public safety seriously.”