Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Deadline for Fall Festival Cover Girl Contestant Sign Up is Friday, June 23

Hopkins County young ladies that are entering their Junior year of high school in August, 2017, are invited to sign up  to participate in the 2017 Fall Festival Cover Girl Contest. Deadline for sign up is Friday, June 23rd at noon. Qualifications for competing are in the packets that can be picked up at the Hopkins County Civic Center or from the contest coordinator.

There is a $30 entry fee. The entry fee, application and a clear and printable head-shot must be turned in before noon Friday.  Only 10 contestants will be entered in the event and no one will be accepted after the deadline.

Contestants will be competing for a $1000 scholarship and a $100 Wal-Mart gift card. The Cover Girl winner will  represent the county at various civic events. The first runner-up will receive a $750 scholarship and a $75 Wal-Mart gift card. If there are six or more contestants, the second runner-up will receive a $500 scholarship and a $50 Wal-Mart gift card.

A group meeting will be conducted at Pizza Inn on Thursday, July 6th for the contests and their parents/guardians. Contestants will draw for their contestant number, give their t-shirt size, and receive folders with information and patterns. Information regarding the contest will also be provided as well a question and answer session conducted.

For more information, contact Cover Girl Contest Coordinator Tracy Dennis at 903-243-1925 or [email protected]

Author: Staff Reporter

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