Cassie Bland, Principal of Como-Pickton Junior High School in Como-Pickton CISD, has been selected to represent the Texas Association of Secondary School Principals (TASSP) as as a Region 8 Outstanding Junior High School Principal of the year. TASSP recognizes outstanding principals from the twenty regional education centers in the state. As a region 8 winner, Mrs. Bland is eligible to compete for the state title of Texas Principal of the Year.
School administrators are nominated and chosen by their peers within their regions. Nominations are based on exemplary performance and outstanding leadership. Mrs. Bland has led the leadership team at Como-Pickton Junior High School for the past three years establishing a culture of learning where students practice the motto of “Learning today, Leading tomorrow.” Mrs. Bland sees herself as being a risk taker, a visionary, and a leader of learners.
Greg Bower, Superintendent at Como-Pickton CISD states, “I am extremely proud of Mrs. Bland! As a newly installed superintendent to Como-Pickton, I have been extremely impressed with her and am thankful to have inherited her on my staff. This is an extremely prestigious honor for principals in our state and I can’t think of a more deserving recipient. Our students and staff are most fortunate to have her in our district.”
Mrs. Bland attended Dallas Baptist University where she was awarded a Master of Arts in Educational Leadership. She has been an active member of TASSP and The National Association of Professional Women.
Regional winners will be recognized during Josten’s Night of the Stars Award Dinner at the 2018 TASSP Summer Conference in Austin. If selected as a state winner bby the TASSP Principal Image Committee, she will advance to compete for the NASSP (National Association of Secondary School Principals) Principal of the Year Award.
Congratulations Mrs. Bland!