By Savannah Owens
Celebrating the 20th year of the Pacific Park Praise Night and Community Mission Celebration, Morning Chapel Baptist Church teamed up with Journey Baptist Church to create an event for the whole community with 3 on 3 basketball games, bounce houses, food and drinks, fun music, as well as kids splashing in the water park. Smiles were on everyone’s faces as they fellow-shipped and enjoyed the event. Not even a little rain could stop this party from continuing!
KSST caught up with Pastor H.B. Nash from Morning Chapel and Pastor Kyle Ray from Journey to talk about this event. This was the 1st year that Journey Baptist Church helped plan and host the event, but it was the 20th anniversary of hosting for Morning Chapel Baptist Church. “I think the community can come together under Christ; The gospel is the answer, not only for personal problems but globally.” Pastor Ray said.

Pastor Kyle Ray with his daughters Shelby and Ella

Pastor H.B. Nash
Pastor Nash said;”We [brought] in a motivational speaker and hope to provide a positive outlook with government relationships and citizens…We started this event back before the shootings to encourage and bring the community together” and that goal still continues to this day. The special motivational speaker is Fort Worth’s Mount Herman Baptist Church’s Pastor Aaron Ray.
Former Layman’s President, and member of Brothers Against Drugs, Corey Spigner, said the event was about “just trying to raise awareness against drugs and bring the community together.”
“I like to watch the clean fun the community has…We’re a unit, Journey Baptist Church and Morning Chapel [and its nice to see everything united together].” Pastor Nash said about his favorite part of the event.
Pastor Ray’s favorite part includes “seeing different ethnicities coming together under the gospel.” The Pastors “have been working together on racial reconciliation for 1 & 1/2 years” and this event was part of their success.
Pastor Nash said “We have businesses and individuals who have given to this event and a summer youth work program to help 30 children be mentored in the community.” Pastor Nash explained that the kids use the money they earn from the mentorship program to purchase school supplies and clothes for the next school year.
The community can get more involved by showing up and donating to help the Churches causes. “What we need is donations to help these kids in the summer. We had a grant from the DA’s office and changes in the system caused them to lose funding.” Morning Chapel members then sent out letters to the community looking for internships/mentorships for the students in the program. If you are interested in mentoring students, contact Clifton Nash with B.A.D. through Morning Chapel Baptist Church at (903)-885-4978.

Nylah Ellenn and Krystyana Waterhouse
Krystyana Waterhouse has been attending the Pacific Park Community Outreach and Celebration for 4-5 years. Her friend Nylah Ellenn attended last year, and again this year. Their favorite part of the event are the bounce houses.

Cayden Spigner and Zhakari Jackson
Cadyen Spigner and Zhakari Jackson said their favorite part of the event was the delicious food. There were hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, popcorn, snow-cones, and much more!
Coryn Young and Damia Dugan have attended the event since they were little. Coryn’s favorite part is”coming here, spending time with family and friends and learning about God.”

Wylie Martin, Marla Cofer, Nova Nolen, Kevin Little, Katherine Little, and Krista Caldwell
Wylie Martin, Marla Cofer, Nova Nolen, Krista Caldwell, Kevin Little, and Katherine Little were all enjoying the cool weather, and watching the kids enjoy the bounce houses. Krista Caldwell said “it was fun seeing all the kids playing together, and the teens playing basketball together, even when they don’t know each other they just click.”
Kevin little agreed saying he loved “the ability for the community to come together.”

Sadaidriene Hall (pictured in orange) and friends
Sadaidriene Hall has attended the event for two years, and his favorite part was the 3 on 3 basketball games.
KSST’s own Dollie Kelly was there serving burgers and hot dogs to hungry people. “This is the first year we’ve joined with the Journey Church and its been nice; we’ve enjoyed it…except for the rain..there’s been good fellowship, food and fun!”

Damia Dugan, Coryn Young, Shandis Young, and Rylee Godbolt
Shandis Young has attended “from the beginning”. Her favorite part is the singing on Praise night.
Rylee Godbolt age 6, said her favorite part was when she could play and eat her “red strawberry” flavored snow-cone.
Saturday was about fun, Sunday’s event is about worship. Don’t miss Praise Night on Sunday July 9th at 7:00 pm.