Superintendent of Sulphur Springs Schools, Michael Lamb, told school board members that the progress at Gerald Prim Stadium is being guided by sub-contractors that are “pushing hard and fast” to complete the task in the next eight weeks. He stated that he believes the work will be accomplished “on time.” He noted that the final phase of the project is the Bill Bradford Press Box. He noted that the electrical work and plumbing in that area would be the final work to be completed.
Work on stadium parking on the east side or visitor’s side is also underway.
In other action, the board elected Robert Cody as delegate and Leesa Toliver as alternate for the 2017 TASB Delegate Assembly to be held on October 7, 2017 in Dallas, TX. The Friday and Saturday sessions will focus on legislative issues facing school districts as well as other breakout sessions focused on school board activity.
The board endorsed the candidacy of Thomas A. Darden for position on the TASB Board of Directors, representing Region 8. Local board member Clay Johnson stated that he had talk with Darden recently, knows him personally, and stated that Darden would represent the region well.
Request for Proposals for seven product/services categories (EDGAR requirement) received from vendors were also approved. A total of 154 vendor packets have been received and accepted by the local district. Among items that necessitated vendor packets were athletic supplies, office supplies, and maintenance needs. A number of items that fall under a certain cost level may also be supplied by vendors who did not submit packets. It was noted that some vendors, such a Lowe’s did not submit a packet but are a member of a co-op that is exempt from the necessity of submitting a packet. A purchasing clerk had been hired during the past year and facilitated the work of processing packets. The purchasing clerk will also assist in better compliance with the rules that govern school purchases. Each campus will receive a copy of the vendor lists.