PAMPA STREET – The sewer line is finished, and the water line is finished. I expect our contractor, Texana Land and Asphalt, to cement-stabilize the base and repave the street this month.
STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM – Expect the following streets to be repaved in December: Calvert, Junell, Beth/Rasure/Rose and a portion of Gossett Lane. Also expect portions of Woodside Lane to be reconstructed totaling 400 linear feet.
CANTEX FORCE MAIN – This will be our next capital improvement project. It will replace 2,400 linear feet of aging sewer force main and 2,900 feet of gravity main. Currently the main passes through the middle of the hospital complex. This would be a nightmare if the main ever ruptures. The proposed route would go around the hospital complex rather than through it. One third of the city’s sewage passes through this line.
WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT – The work at the wastewater treatment plant is on schedule. The three primary clarifier basins have been constructed, and backfilling continues. Other concrete structures adjacent to the clarifiers are under construction.
CROSSTOWN TRAIL – The Capital Construction Division began constructing the Crosstown Trail in November. This grant-funded project will connect Buford Park to Coleman Park as well as the high school/civic center complex with a concrete path. It will also replace the sidewalk on the north side of Connally Street.
CLAIMS – There were no liability claims or workers compensation claims in November.
REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES – Finance Director, Peter Karstens will present a year-to-date summary of revenues and expenditures.
Elsewhere around the city, employees:
- Applied pre-emergent on all athletic fields.
- Edged all sidewalks and curbs at Buford, Pacific and Coleman Parks.
- Prepared all bathrooms for winter.
- Repaired 589 potholes and made 9 street repairs following utility repairs.
- Graded and smoothed Pipeline Road.
- Demolished a house at 622 Mulberry.
- Decorated downtown for Christmas.
- Conducted 14 building inspections, 13 electrical inspections, 15 plumbing inspections, 2 mechanical inspections and issued 28 building permits.
- Checked out 2,749 items from the library, and 457 eBooks.
- Made 4 felony arrests in the Special Crimes Unit.
- Responded to 181 animal control calls, achieving an adoption rate of 53%.
- Recorded 74 offenses, wrote 487 traffic Citations, made 74 arrests and responded to 38 accidents including 9 injuries and 0 deaths.
- Sold 2,438 Gallons of AvGas and 8,458 Gallons of JetA fuel.
- Installed lights at Pacific Park.
- Repaired 4 water main ruptures.
- Replaced 9 water meters.
- Unstopped 10 sewer mains.
- Achieved a daily average total suspended solids reading of 1.90 mg/L at the wastewater treatment plant. Our limit is 15mg/L.
- Washed 75,000 feet of sewer main.
- Televised and smoke tested sewer segments 1 and 2, and made repairs.
- Flushed 35 dead end water mains.
- Treated 130 million gallons of potable water.