The Texas Corn Producers Board will hold elections in three of its five voting regions to elect five board members where current members’ seats are expiring. The TCPB election is conducted by voting regions and will be held from Jan. 15, 2018, until Jan. 29, 2018. There are two seats open for election in Voting Region Three, which includes Hunt, Delta, Lamar, Hopkins and a large number of counties in North-Central, Northeast and East Texas.
Corn producers eligible to vote in the elections are persons, including the owner of a farm on which corn is produced or the owner’s tenant or sharecropper, engaged in the business of producing corn or causing corn to be produced for commercial purposes for at least one production period during the three years preceding the date of this election (Jan. 29, 2018). The producer must reside within one of the counties to vote in the respective voting region. Ballots containing the nominations of all persons who have validly filed will be available Jan. 8, 2018, at grain elevators and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service offices in each of the appropriate voting regions, or by writing TCPB.
For a ballot to be valid, it must be mailed to the TCPB, 4205 N. I-27, Lubbock, Texas 79403, with a postmark date of no later than Jan. 29, 2018.