Monday February 5th is Last Day to Register to Vote in March Primary

Monday February 5th is the last day to register to vote in the March, 2018 Primary. Early voting begins February 20th with March 2nd the final day for early voting. March 6 is primary election day for Republicans and Democrats.

Registered voters over the age of 65 are receiving mailings that allow the voter to request a ballot by mail as the March Primary election season begins. Those requesting ballot by mail may request only the ballot specific to the party primary, Democrat or Republican, in which the voter wishes to cast the ballot. Last day to accept application for a ballot by mail is Friday, February 23rd.

The Early Voting location for the March Primary for all Hopkins County voters who wish to cast a ballot in either primary election is the Justice of the Peace Precinct 2 Courtroom, 128 Jefferson Street. An entrance to the courtroom is located at the west parking lot of tax office/JP county annex.

On March 6th all county polling places will be open. On March 6th, Hopkins County voters may cast their ballot at any of the polling places. Early voting is 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. February 20-March 2. Early voting is available on Saturday, February, 24th  from 8 .am. until 5 p.m. and Sunday February 25th from noon until 5 p.m.

Keep this list of voting locations for the March 6th Primary:

In Sulphur Springs:

Lutheran Church, 1000 Texas Street

Morning Chapel Missionary Baptist Church, 208 Fuller Street

Hopkins County Courthouse, 118 Church Street

Grace Family Church, 1901 Loop 301 East

Civic Center, 1200 Houston Street

League Street Church of Christ, 1100 South League

Other Locations:

Cumby Municipal Building, 100 E. Main Street, Cumby

Sulphur Bluff ISD, 1027 CR 3550

Como-Pickton CISD, 13017 Texas Highway 11E

Miller Grove ISD, 7819 FM 275 South

North Hopkins ISD, 1994, FM 71 West

Author: Staff Reporter

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