Planning to Say “I Do?” Don’t Miss This!
Hopefully, you have read or heard about the Twogether in Texas Marriage education workshop. This event only takes place three times each year, but the benefits are huge!
Twogether in Texas is recognized by the state of Texas as being an important part of helping couples have a successful marriage. As a matter of fact, engaged couples who complete the workshop are given a certificate to save $60 upon applying for a marriage license. That is the state portion of the fee – waived!
Did you know that family fragmentation costs U.S. taxpayers at least $112 billion each year? Finding ways to strengthen marriage and reduce unnecessary divorce and unmarried childbearing is a legitimate and pressing public concern. Because of the very large taxpayer costs associated with high rates of divorce and unmarried childbearing, marriage-strengthening initiatives programs will be cost-effective for tax-payers (Institute for American Values).
Twogether in Texas is dedicated to increasing the overall strength of marriages, as well as increasing the well-being of children by providing voluntary marriage and relationship education skills to their parents. All Texans are able to utilize these services. There are no eligibility requirements. Couples that complete pre-marital education through one of the service providers listed on the Twogether in Texas website are able to receive $60 off their marriage license fee. Out of the 288,000 Texans who have taken these classes, 95% of couples say they have learned skills to:
- Improve their relationship
- Increase their ability to communicate and share feelings
- Understand and feel understood by their spouse
- Disagree without fighting
Benefits of taking a premarital education workshop include:
- Enhancing your communication and conflict resolution skills to enrich your relationship,
- Learning the key components of a successful marriage,
- Receiving a $60 discount on marriage license fees (the certificate to save is good for one year from the date it is issued), and
- Waiver of the 3-day waiting period.
The workshop offered through the Hopkins County Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service is free of charge, and lunch is provided! I’ll also have coffee, water, and snacks available throughout the day. So, here are details on the 2018 workshops:
WHEN: Saturday, February 10
WHERE: Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Office, 1200 W. Houston, Sulphur Springs
TIME: 8:30 a.m. to approximately 3:30 p.m.
TOPICS: marriage expectations, communication, conflict resolution, money management, and goals & dreams
COST: nothing
Because lunch is provided, I do request that couples call to reserve a seat – 903-885-3443. If the February 10th workshop is not convenient, two other dates are also available – Saturday, May 12, and Saturday, August 25. The workshop uses videos, group participation, couple interaction, and a simple workbook for couples to keep.
Please share this information with anyone who might be interested. Married couples are also welcome to attend!
Do Well, Be Well with Diabetes
I’ve received a few inquiries about the “Do Well, Be Well with Diabetes” series. The spring sessions are scheduled for April 9. 12. 16. 19. And 23. We’ll cover nutrition and self-care concepts, using research-based and evidence-based information from the American Diabetes Association and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists. This series has resulted in very positive results from participants. You don’t have to be from Hopkins County to participate!
All sessions will take place at the Hopkins County Extension Office. Two times are being offered to accommodate participants’ schedules, and you can even mix-and-match times – 1:30, or 6:00 p.m. Due to the nature of the series, a fee of $25, payable at the door, will be charged. Participants will receive a notebook of all the handouts, recipes, and supplementary materials, as well as refreshments and door prizes. Call the Extension Office at 903-885-3443 if you would like to attend.
Spring Break Sewing Workshop
I’m just putting out a “feeler” to see if there is enough interest in a spring break sewing workshop. A couple of individuals have asked about it, so if you would like to participate, let me know! It will most likely be March 12, 13, 14 (Monday thru Wednesday) during spring break. Anyone is welcome – youth to adult, but children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by an adult. Make-and-take projects will be available, but instruction using a pattern will also be given. Contact the Extension Office at 903-885-3443.
Closing Thought
You can preach a better sermon with your life than with your lips.