There are a lot of activities happening everyday at the Senior Citizens Center. I have highlighted below and attached Flyers for some of the Bigger Events. I still have 300 Calendars for sale. These are 2 year Calendars. I have decided to sell them for $ 10.00 each hoping more of you guys will come and support the building of a NEW Senior Citizens Center. These calendars are not doing any good just sitting in the boxes. Please come and buy the Calendars and Support our efforts for a NEW BUILDING.
Wednesday, February 14th 11:00 Valentine Day Party.
Light Lunch, Games and Plenty of Candy. Sponsored by Sulphur Springs Health and Rehab and CIMA Hospice. Please let me know if you are coming so I can plan for Food and Seating.
Thursday, February 22nd BUNCO 1:00
If You haven’t tried BUNCO yet you are missing out on a lot of FUN FUN FUN. Just bring $ 5.00 and a snack to share.
Friday, February 23rd 10:45 AM Monthly Birtday Party Sponsored by At Home Healthcare
Everyone having a Birthday during February will be a gift
Saturday, March 3rd 10:00 AM Winter 42 Tournament
Cost is $ 10.00 a person Lunch will be Pizza Inn for $ 5.00 If you don’t have a partner and want to play please let me know and I will find you a partner. Tables and Dominoes will be provided. ALL CASH PRIZES for 1st , 2nd 3rd and 4th Places winners.
Thursday, March 8th LCR 10:30 Sponsored by Pioneer Crossing for Seniors
LCR is a fun dice game. It is too hard to explain here but it is really easy to learn. There will be snacks and prizes
Saturday, March 10th 10:00 AM Meal A Day Volunteer Pancake Breakfast
If you are a Volunteer at the Senior Citizens Center you are invited to attend the Breakfast. This is the only way I have to say a HUGE THANK YOU for your service.
Friday, March 16th at 11:00 AM Baked Potato Party Sponsored by Hopkins Place Assisted Living.
Will will have Fully Loaded Baked Potatoes. Please let me know if you are coming so we can bake you a Potato.
Friday, March 16th 12:00 Noon Drawing for the Quilt Raffle
Quilt was made and donated to raise money for a NEW Senior Citizens Center Quilt is hanging on the Wall at the Senior Citizens Center. Tickets are $ 1.00 each or 6 for $ 5.00
Tuesday, April 3rd 9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon 55+ Health Fair
at the ROC at 1st Baptist Church Cost is FREE. Please invite your friends to attend. We will have about 50 Vendor Booths there to answer questions about your Health and Wellness. There will be 50 $ 25.00 door prizes that you can have a change to win.
Saturday, April 21st – 12:00 – 2:00 Clara Bridges 90+Banquet Sponsored by: 1st Choice, East Texas Physical Therapy, Grocery Supply, Texas Heritage Bank, City National Bank, Guaranty Bond Bank and Alliance Bank.
Will be held at the ROC at 1st Baptist Church. Everyone that is 90 Years of Age or will be by the end of this calendar year is invited to attend. Please invite your family and any friends that you want to celebrate the day with. Please let me know if you will be attending so I can plan for the food and seating.
Saturday, June 9th 6:00 PM 2018 Ms Hopkins County Senior Classic Pageant at the Hopkins County Civic CenterSponsored by Wesley House/Wesley Oaks
I am still looking for ladies 60+ to step out of their Comfort Zones and enter the Pageant. Please call me if you would like to Sign Up. The Ladies will also be treated to a Contestants Tea on Friday, June 8th Sponsored by Hopkins Place Assisted Living. After the Tea we will have a Dress Rehearsal
For more information contact:
Karon Weatherman
Program and Marketing Director
Senior Citizen’s Center