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SSISD Board Approves Change in Pro Rata Agreement With City During Monday Regular Session

In less than 30 minutes the Sulphur Springs School Board had completed much of the work of the evening Monday, July 9, 2018.

In regular session, the board reviewed the 2018-2019 employee handbook, appointed a delegate to the 2018 TASB Delegate Assembly in September, approved the 2018-2019 Student Code of Conduct Handbook, approved revisions to local policies and approved the Superintendent and School District Attorney to make changes to the Pro Rata agreement with the City of Sulphur Springs. They also conducted a budget work session as they prepare for the 2018-2019 budget year that will extend from September 1, 2018 to August 31, 2019.

Superintendent Lamb and Attorney James Litzler were approved to make a change in the Pro Rata agreement with the City of Sulphur Springs regarding businesses and other developments tapping into the water line that the district installed and paid for to connect the Middle School building to the city utilities. The water line extends along undeveloped properties and, currently, any development on those properties is required to pay the school to tap into the line. The school district believes that the tax revenue from development will be more advantageous to the district than the amount received in accessing the water line. The district will renew the contract taking two years off the 10 year agreement. The new end date to the Pro Rata agreement with the city will be February, 2019.

The board awaits the release of anticipated tax revenues from the Tax Appraisal District. With the increase in property values, it is anticipated that tax revenues for the school district will increase. Currently, the developing budget for 2018-2019 school year shows expenses over revenue with an estimated net fund balance decrease of $42,266. Superintendent Lamb told the board that when final tax revenue numbers for next year are released, the budget will be adjusted to reflect a balanced budget. Estimated expenditures for 2018-2019 is $37,707,408. Transportation reflects the largest increase. The district plans to purchase three buses in the next budget period.

No significant changes were made to the employee handbook. The only changes were made to the Local Leave policy found on pages 36-37 of the handbook. All school employees will earn three paid local leave days per school year after one year of full time employment with the district. All regular employees will also be granted a maximum of 30 leave days of extended sick leave in a 12-month period. The employee handbook is located on the district website.

No significant changes were made to the Student Code of Conduct Handbook which is also located on the District’s website.



Author: Staff Reporter

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