A Hopkins County Grand Jury handed up 43 indictments late Tuesday afternoon, August 28, 2018. The names of the 32 who have been arrested for the charge have been released.
Christopher Shane Freeman was indicted for Aggravated Assault Against a Public Servant.
Terance Raymon Beachem was indicted for Aggravated Assault Date/Family/Home with Weapon and for Criminal Mischief more than $2500 but less than $30,000.

Jeremy Kenyaan Gipson was indicted for Aggravated Assault Date/Family/Home with Weapon and for Tamper/Fabricate Physical Evidence with Intent to Impair. Hopkins County Deputies responded to a disturbance on County Road 2437 where Gipson, 26, of Dallas, had brandished a firearm and had discharged it. While in route, deputies were advised that Gipson had fled the residence in a white SUV. Deputies located him on FM 2966. The vehicle came to a slow stop and deputies initiated a felony take-down. Gipson was detained and the driver of the SUV gave consent to search the vehicle. A box of .380 ammo was located under the passenger seat and several rounds were missing from the box. On the side of the roadway where the vehicle had begun the slow roll before stopping, deputies found a .380 handgun and magazine.

John Ralph Stark was indicted for Assault Family/House Member Impede Breath/Circulation. Officers at the scene of the assault reported Stark’s wife showed signs of the assault that included choking and restricting her airway until she blacked out. The victim had visible injuries. When Sulphur Springs police were called to an altercation in the 1000 block of North Davis Street, the aggressor in an assault had left the scene. However, one officer soon found Stark, 35, of Sulphur Springs, westbound on Houston Street. When found, Stark exhibited sign of intoxication on alcohol and it was obvious he had been in an altercation.
Alvin Virgil Ward, III was indicted for Injury Child/Elderly/Disable with Intent SBI/Mental.

Michael Shane McCormick was indicted for Burglary of a Habitation. Sulphur Springs Police arrested McCormick, 27, of Dike, for burglary of a habitation on Martin Luther King Drive in Sulphur Springs. The burglary occurred sometime or August 13 or 14, 2018. The resident was not at home at the time of the burglary. When McCormick gained entry into the residence, he took keys and money. He also left personal items behind that identified him as the suspect in the case, according to Sulphur Springs Criminal Investigator David Gilmore. Gilmore stated that at the time of the arrest, McCormick, who was at work in the 1300 block of Mockingbird Ln., had some of the stolen items in his pocket. Those items included a Dallas Cowboy lanyard with numerous keys and accessories.

Johnny Lyle Bench was indicted for Tamper/Fabricate Physical Evidence with Intent to Impair and Criminal Mischief Damage/Destroy Worship/School. Hopkins County Sheriff Lewis Tatum said his Criminal Investigators received leads from members of the community that have also been working vigilantly trying to solve the destruction of the Weaver Cemetery. Davis, 17, of Saltillo, and Bench, 18, of Saltillo, were arrested for Tampering with Evidence and Davis was also arrested for Criminal Mischief. Davis additional charge relates to damage done to a church building in the Pine Forest/ Pickton, area and damage to mail boxes. The two were arrested and charged stemming from their throwing an item, a cross, taken from the cemetery into a local pond after they learned authorities were looking for them, according to Tatum.

Canyon Ray Davis was indicted for Tamper/Fabricate Physical Evidence with Intent to Impair and Criminal Mischief Damage/Destroy Worship/School.
Jerry Dale Farquhar was indicted for Tamper/Fabricate Physical Evidence with Intent to Impair.
Adonna Janelle Upchurch was indicted for Theft Property less than $2500 two or more previous convictions.

Archie Ray Jackson was indicted for Possession of a Controlled Substance Penalty Group 1, more than 4-grams but less than 200-grams and for Fraud/Use/Possession Identify Information less than 5 items, elderly. Failure to show proof of insurance and a hesitation to locate his driver’s license in his wallet were only the first signs of his nervous reaction that raised questions for the Hopkins County Deputy that made a traffic stop on Hillcrest Drive just South of Main St early Monday morning, June 4, 2018. Jackson, 69, of Jefferson, Texas, also refused consent to search the vehicle. A K-9 unit was called. When Jackson presented his driver’s license, it showed the name, not Jackson’s, on the Divers License to be his older brother, who is deceased. Identified by his Social Security number, it was found that Jackson also had an active parole warrant out of Gregg County. He was arrested on the parole warrant and a K-9 search of the vehicle revealed a pill bottle that contained suspected methamphetamine weighing 4.1-grams.

Chadwick Jaquane Anderson was indicted for Possession of a Controlled Substance Penalty Group 1, more than 1-gram but less than 4-grams. While speaking with the driver of a 1993 Lexus stopped for a traffic violation, the Hopkins County Deputy noted a yellow plastic baggie containing alcoholic beverages near a passenger, Anderson. Anderson, 36, of Sulphur Springs picked up the bag and revealed a small plastic baggie containing a white powder like substance. Anderson admitted it was cocaine. He also admitted to having another baggie of cocaine in his right sock.
Jeffery Allen Coplin was indicted for Possession of a Controlled Substance Penalty Group 1, more than 1-gram but less than 4-grams.

Angel Hernandez, Jr. was indicted for Possession of a Controlled Substance Penalty Group 1, more than 1-gram but less than 4-grams. A tip to Crime Stoppers initiated the investigation and subsequent arrests. The tip identified a female, wanted on a felony warrant, and her location at 420 West Park Street in Sulphur Springs. A Hopkins County deputy arrested the female, Strawn, 23, (see below). Hernandez, Jr, 25, of Sulphur Springs, then showed the deputy the room in which she was staying. After searching the room, a small case with a lock was found. The key was located and when opened, suspected methamphetamine, marijuana, and paraphernalia was located inside. When deputies arrived at the scene, Hernandez was located attempting to exit the rear of the residence. He confirmed that Strawn was inside. Deputies waited until the homeowner arrived before entering the residence.

Maegan Deleyn Strawn was indicted for Possession of a Controlled Substance Penalty Group 1, more than 1-gram but less than 4-grams.

Matthew Scott Munden was indicted for Possession of a Controlled Substance Penalty Group 1, more than 1-gram but less than 4-grams. A Hopkins County Deputy responding to a person acting suspiciously on County Road 4649 where contact was made with Munden, 30, of Sulphur Springs. When the deputy noted an open container in the center console, Munden said he knew better and that he did not have his driver’s license with him. That was just the beginning. Munden was asked to pour out the alcoholic beverage and when he opened the door to do so, the deputy noted a loaded syringe and metal container in the driver’s side door. In the syringe and the plastic baggie in the metal container was a total of 1.01-grams of a controlled substance.
Dorinda Marshall Ochoa was indicted Manufacture/Delivery of a Controlled Substance Penalty Group 1, more than 1-gram but less than 4-grams.

Samuel Colten Stidham was indicted for Possession of a Controlled Substance Penalty Group 1 less than 1-gram. Stidham, 30, of Sulphur Springs admitted that the contraband was his when he and others were stopped for a traffic violation. The stop occurred 10:44 p.m Tuesday night, May 29, 2018, at the intersection of College Street and Industrial Drive. Stidham had appeared nervous during the stop and a records check was conducted. Stidham was wanted on one speeding warrant and one failure to maintain financial responsibility warrant. The suspected methamphetamine was found in a small pink plastic baggie in the vehicle.

Elijah Don King was indicted for Possession of a Controlled Substance Penalty Group 1 less than 1-gram. Following a traffic stop on Highway 11 West at County Road 4786, King, 22, of Brashear was arrested for Possession of a Controlled Substance Penalty Group 1, more than 1-gram but less than 4-grams, and other charges. When King appeared nervous, the Hopkins County Deputy asked him to exit the vehicle and for consent to search. A pat down revealed a pipe commonly used for smoking methamphetamine in a black pouch along with two clear baggies containing a crystal like substance believed to be meth.
Jonathan Tyler Lee was indicted for two counts of Possession of a Controlled Substance Penalty Group 1 less than 1-gram.

Joshua Kenny Mandell was indicted for Possession of a Controlled Substance Penalty Group 1 less than 1-gram. A Hopkins County Deputy responded to a possible assault in the 1500 block of Shannon Road Sunday evening. When the deputy arrived, he ensured the individuals were separated and asked Mandell, 33, of Dallas, to empty his pockets. A baggie containing a clear chrystal like substance believed to be methamphetamine fell from his left pocket. He also removed a black container from the same pocket. A search of the container revealed another baggie containing a white powdery substance believed to be cocaine. A K9 officer performed an open air sniff of Mandell’s vehicle and the K9 gave a positive alert on the vehicle. A pill bottle with Mandell’s name on it was found. However, inside the bottle was a baggie containing a white powder like substance believed to be cocaine and a baggie containing possible methamphetamine .
Brian Lynn McPike was indicted for Possession of a Controlled Substance Penalty Group 1 less than 1-gram.

Alisha Jean Parker was indicted for Possession of a Controlled Substance Penalty Group 1 less than 1-gram. Parker, 38, and a Bullard, TX resident, was a passenger in a 2003 Ford Focus. The driver and passenger denied consent to search the vehicle when stopped at Brookshire’s in Sulphur Springs. Parker showed signs of bruxism, which is consistent with methamphetamine use. A K9 unit was contacted and during a free air search, the K9 to alert on the vehicle. Various drug paraphernalia including used syringes, a cut pen used to ingest narcotics, a small amount of marijuana and methamphetamine were found in the auto. The methamphetamine was found in a small glass bowl in Parker’s bag. Parker claimed ownership of all the narcotics.

Brenda Raley Davis was indicted for Possession of a Controlled Substance Penalty Group 1 less than 1-gram. When the 2005 Chrysler 300 was stopped by the Hopkins County Deputy on FM 69 south of the Black Oak Church Davis, 63, of Como, showed signs of involuntary jaw movement. The movement appeared to be the caused by the influence of a narcotic. Consent to search the vehicle was given, and the officer located a black zippered sunglasses case on the passenger side floorboard. Inside the case was a clear glass pipe commonly used for smoking methamphetamine. A usable amount of the substance was located in the stem and bowl of the pipe. After her Miranda warning, Davis told the officer she had smoked meth as recently as the previous day and that the passenger in the vehicle had no involvement with the suspected meth.

Rigoberto Juarez was indicted for Possession of Marijuana more than 50lbs. but less than 2,000lbs. A traffic stop by Sulphur Springs Police at the 130 mile-marker on I-30 found Juarez, 51, of Laredo in possession of 95lbs of Marijuana. While being booked into jail, a $1 bill with suspected cocaine residue and a clear plastic bag of suspected cocaine was also found in his possession.
Darrel Wayne Box was indicted for Driving While Intoxicated 3rd or More.