According to Melinda Henderson of the Children’s Ministry at Central Baptist Church, two exciting October events are in place for local kids and families! On Saturday October 20, “Pick of the Patch” will begin at noon immediately after the end of the Hopkins County Fall Festival Parade. At Pick of the Patch, free hot dogs will be cooked by members of the Sheriff’s Department, and youngsters can enjoy bounce houses, slides, pumpkin painting, face painting and more. Families will receive free pumpkins which were raised at the Hopkins County Sheriff’s Department farm and donated to the children’s ministry. Pick of the Patch will be held from 12 noon til 2 pm on Saturday October 20, 2018, free of charge at Central Baptist Church, 840 Connally Street, across from Buford park.

Then on Wednesday October 31 from 6-8 pm, Central Baptist Church will host “Treat Street”, a family-friendly trunk or treat event. Treat Street will be set up at the back of the gym in the south parking area of Central Baptist Church. Parking will be available on the north parking area of the church on Connally Street. Volunteers will be handing out bibles to the people who attend and offering a free 5X7 photo during this event. There will be games, bounce houses, slide, and photo booth. Everyone is invited for safe, friendly fun, free of charge!