January 2, 2019 – Hopkins County Sheriff Lewis Tatum says he does not like thieves so he was pleased when a Fort Worth man and a woman were arrested shortly after a Como convenience store was burglarized early Wednesday morning.
Sheriff Tatum says it was the second time the store was targeted recently. He says after the first break in on December 28, deputies have been on the alert in the area. Sheriff Tatum says when a burglar alarm sounded at 2:27 a.m. Wednesday, Hopkins County Patrolman Dan Turrentine was nearby. Sheriff Tatum says the patrolman saw a dark SUV on Highway 11 heading west toward Sulphur Springs. The sheriff says the patrolman secured the building and alerted other deputies and Sulphur Springs police officers. Lawmen watched the two main routes to Sulphur Springs on Highway 11 and on Highway 1870. Police Patrolman Justin Findley Stanley stopped the dark SUV near Helm Lane.
Inside the vehicle, he found 90 individual packs of cigarettes and some alcohol. Sheriff Tatum says the cigarettes were stolen from the Como store and the alcohol was reported stolen from a store in Cass County earlier Wednesday. The sheriff says he believes the couple also broke into the same Como store and into a Sulphur Springs’ store on December 28.
Sulphur Springs Detective Sgt. David Gilmore is working on the city case coordinating with the Sheriff’s Office. Justice of the Peace B.J. Teer charged 27-year old Vondrick Deshawn Gomez II and 25 -year old Hevelyn Carter with burglary of a building in connection with the early Wednesday break in at the Como convenience store. JP Teer set bond for Gomez at $200,000 and for Carter at $150,000.
If you have an emergency, dial 9-1-1
The Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office is located at 298 Rosemont Sulphur Springs, TX 75482. You can reach them for non-emergency matters at (903) 438-4040.