Before a packed Hopkins County Commissioners’ Courtroom Monday morning, Robbin Bass, Deputy District Director for Congressman John Ratcliff, presented County Judge Robert Newsom a flag that was flown over the U. S. Capital Building in Newsom’s honor. Commissioners also issued a proclamation honoring the Sulphur Bluff Fire Department for past and current service to the county.
In honoring Judge Newsom, Bass stated that the county judge was honored for his service to the county and to many other government entities. A number of county, city, and civic leaders were present for the presentation. Newsom was surprised by the presentation of flag and certificate.
Sulphur Bluff Volunteer Fire Department has a heritage of providing fire protection in Hopkins County following a disastrous fire at the Sulphur Bluff School gym. The fire prompted 14 citizens in 1974 to organize the department. Some of those citizens and/or family members continue to serve a volunteers for the department. The proclamation reads:

P r o c l a m a t i o n
WHEREAS, Following the April 1974 disastrous fire of the Sulphur Bluff School gym, fourteen citizens were motivated to provide fire protection for Hopkins County – James “PeeWee” Bassham, J.T. “Putt” Bassham, Mike Bassham, Billy Chester, Gene Beale, Henry Allen Davis, Darrell Deaton, Bert Dorner, George Dorner, Tommy Holcomb, Joe Don Joslin, Don Patterson, T.L. Sanderson, James Waller; and
WHEREAS, T.L. Sanderson supported these efforts by lending a 1968 Chevy milk truck to serve in hauling water to the site where volunteers operated with buckets and water-soaked feed sacks; and
WHEREAS, The Sulphur Bluff Volunteer Fire Department was founded in late 1975 as one of the first Volunteer Fire Departments to serve Hopkins County; and
WHEREAS, In 1976, with revenue sharing money and the assembly of units in Wichita Falls, Sulphur Bluff received the first of five fire trucks purchased as 1976 one-ton chassis by Hopkins County through Price Ford Sales of Sulphur Springs.
WHEREAS, In their efforts to generate revenue toward the purchase of land and construction of the Sulphur Bluff Volunteer Fire Department facility, the volunteer firemen hauled a 1976 half-ton pickup truck to area events throughout northeast Texas to sell tickets.
WHEREAS, Today, the Sulphur Bluff Volunteer Fire Department has thirteen members supporting six fire apparatus continuing to serve and protect the Sulphur Bluff community and Hopkins County – Chris Bassham, James K. Bassham, Bert Dorner, Brian Dorner, Joey Dorner, Jimmy Dale Fite, Cam Hill, Micah Johnson, Janice Joslin, Joe Don Joslin, Don Patterson, Donnie Powers and Karen Powers.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Hopkins County Commissioners Court urges all citizens of Hopkins County to celebrate the outstanding efforts of the firemen of the Sulphur Bluff Volunteer Fire Department, to recognize the dedication in their perseverance to provide protection for the citizens of Hopkins County and their property and, offer sincere appreciation for the servanthood of each one.