The 55+ Health Fair is coming up pretty quickly. We changed the time of the Health Fair this year to help those Seniors who are never able to attend the morning Health Fairs.
This year it will be on Tuesday, April 2nd from 4:00 – 6:30 at the ROC at 1st Baptist Church.
We have 40 booths for you to check out. There will be lots of information for you to look at. Please come get yourself educated about what programs and agencies are out there to help you. Don’t wait until is it too late to make your own decisions. If you don’t make your own educated decisions someone will be making them for you. You might not like what they decide.
Each booth will have a $ 25.00 door prize that you will be eligible to win.
We are also going to be cooking Hot Dogs this year for a Hot Dog Supper. Several of the vendors are providing that food for you. I have attached a flyer for you for you to see.
I hope to see lots and lots of Seniors on that afternoon. All of this is just for YOU.