Early voting by personal appearance begins Monday morning, for the May 4 school and municipal elections.
Voters within Como-Pickton Consolidated Independent School District will have plenty of candidates to choose from when casting ballots in the school board election.
Seven candidates have filed, seeking candidacy for one of four full-term at-large seats on the school board; they include D.J. Carr, JJ Cummings, James R. “Jim” Murray, Lee Skidmore, Brittney Smith, Felecia Smith and Shane Wilton.
Shiloh Childress is unchallenged in his bid for the unexpired term seat. Shiloh Childress was appointed to fill the seat following trustee Greg Anglin’s resignation in December, to become the commissioner for Precinct 2 starting Jan. 1; Childress has filed to serve out the remained of that term.
Ballots in the CPCISD Board of Trustees Election may be cast in person from 8 a.m. To 4 pm. April 22-April 30 and Como-Pickton Administration Office. Voting hours will be extended to 8 p.m. April 22 April 25. Election Day voting will be conducted from 7 a.m. To 7 p.m. Saturday, May 4, in Room 114 at Como-Pickton School (in front of building where general election was held).
To help voters learn a little more about the people seeking office, each school board candidate was asked to provide information about themselves and their candidacy, including their reasons for seeking a seat on the school board. Those responses are shared here, in no particular order, in two separate posts.

- Family: Wife Katy, former Como-Pickton teacher, stay at home job; two sons, Mason and Jacob, a 6-year-old kindergarten student at CP and a 2-year-old
- Occupation, job description: self-employed cattleman
- How many years have you lived in the district? 34
- Education, training or special skills: Como-Pickton CISD 2003 Graduate, University of Texas Arlington 2007 Bachelor of Business Administration
- Why are you seeking this office? Re-Election to represent our communities by serving in a leadership role for the district
- Experience/qualifications: served 4 years on the Board.
- What do you consider the most significant area(s) of interest or concern in the office you are seeking, and your plan(s) to address the concern(s)? Our students are my top priority. One of the top factors in supporting those students is finding an keeping the quality teachers and staff that help them reach their goals. Each year it is harder and harder to fill the open positions in our most needed areas. I Plan to continue supporting Administrators in implementing pro-active recruiting methods and compensations plans for our staff. All of which will positively impact our students and make CPCISD the best district to work for in our area.
- What you feel is most important for the public to know about you and your candidacy? No matter the level of decisions that are made for our district, my candidacy will give you the confidence that those decisions are informed, unbiased, and in the best interest of our students and staff.

Brittney Smith, candidate for a full-term seat on Como-Pickton CISD Board of Trustees.
- Family: Husband of 12 years, Anthony Smith, a graduate of CPCISD; two daughters, 10-year-old Saylor and 7-year-old Mercy, students at CPCISD
- Occupation, job description: I am a Medical Assistant/Phlebotomist at Texas A&M University-Commerce and owner/operator of a poultry farm with my husband, Anthony Smith.
- How many years have you lived in the district? 27 years
- Education, training or special skills: I graduated from Como-Pickton CISD in 2004 and attended college at Tyler Jr. College and Northeast Texas Community College where I received my Associates Degree. I am a Medical Assistant and Phlebotomist at the Student Health Services Department at Texas A&M University-Commerce.
- Why are you seeking this office? I believe our children are our future. I am a strong supporter of continuing the highest level of education at Como-Pickton CISD. Having graduated from ComoPickton CISD, I know we have a great school and I want to contribute by striving for the best avenues for each individual student, faculty and administration.
- Experience/qualifications: This will be my second endeavor as a school board member; however, I have kept abreast of the past issues with the school board and have a great interest in serving in this capacity. The children attending Como-Pickton CISD have a special place in my heart and I want to be a part of giving each child every opportunity to do their very best and become great leaders and successful business men and women.
- What do you consider the most significant area(s) of interest, need or concern in the office you are seeking, and your plan(s) to address the concern(s)? I do not come with a specific agenda in serving as a school board member. I want to serve the people, the students, the faculty and administration of Como-Pickton school district in the best possible way. I want each individual concern of parents and students addressed in a timely and informative manner. I want to make sure our children have the best educators available to them. I have complete respect for those serving as board members at this time and want to diligently serve along with my peers to continue Como-Pickton CISD’s reputation as a highly respected school with a great education system.
- I believe our children are the most important concern. I have a great interest in not only my children’s future but ALL children in the Como-Pickton school district. I want to diligently serve in this capacity to give each child every opportunity possible to excel.
- What do you feel is most important for the public to know about you and your candidacy? My husband, Anthony Smith, and I both graduated from Como-Pickton CISD. We have two children who will also be graduates of CPCISD; one is currently a third grader and another who will be starting Kindergarten next year. I am thankful I was afforded the opportunity to attend and graduate from such a great school. I want to continue the tradition of excellence in education. We have some of the best faculty available in our school district. The people of this school district deserve someone who wants the best for each child, someone who wants to be a voice for their concerns and someone who wants to assist in the management and everyday activities of our school district. I would be honored to serve in this capacity as a Como-Pickton Consolidated School District school board member.

- Family: Wife Mayra Cummings, Spanish instructor, PJC; son Parker Cummings, graduated CP last year, attending TCU; and daughter Presli Cummings, will be graduating this year from CP, plans to attend A&M Commerce.
- Occupation, job description: Rancher and poultry producer, previously a dairy farmer.
- How many years have you lived in the district? 44 years
- Education, training or special skills: 1993 Graduate of Como-Pickton High School, attended CPCISD 1980-1993.
- Why are you seeking this office? Being raised in Pickton, Texas and a 1993 graduate of Como-Pickton High School, I would like to seek office because I want to serve and support the students of my community.
- Experience/qualifications: I joined the Como-Pickton Board of Trustees in 2015 and served as the Vice President in 2016. I currently serve as Board Secretary.
- What do you consider the most significant area(s) of interest need or concern in the office you are seeking, and your plan(s) to address the concern(s). As current trustee of the Como-Pickton Consolidated Independent School District I want to continue to ensure the community that I will support the students of the CPCISD. I want to advocate for the academic programs in addition to the CP agriculture department and extracurricular programs so that the district provides the students with equitable opportunities.
- What do you feel is most important for the public to know about you and your candidacy? Being a lifelong resident of Hopkins County, I want to give back to the community that has meant so much to my children and family. I want to confirm that the students are my first priority and that all students should be provided with the best equitable educational opportunities. Therefore, it is important to communicate and collaborate with teachers, staff, administration and the community to attain the goals to make CPCISD a great place to attend school and prepare our students for the future. Lastly, I will also make certain that the board remains responsible stewards of the district’s funds to better the school as well as community.

- Occupation, job description: Sales/Project Manager for Aveo Roofing
- How many years have you lived in the district? 9 years
- Education, training or special skills: Associate’s of Applied Science in Dental Hygiene, Bachelor’s of Science in Exercise Physiology
- Why are you seeking this office? To serve my community and school. My kids go to school at Como-Pickton as well and I want them and all the other kids to have a great educational experience.
- Experience/qualifications: Current member of the Board and Instructor at Northeast Texas Community College Dental Hygiene Program for 3 years.
- What do you consider the most significant area(s) of interest, need or concern in the office you are seeking, and your plan(s) to address the concerns(s): Our testing scores concern me along with finding great teachers and retaining them. By retaining great teachers to help our kids and provide an exceptional learning experience, this should bring our schools’ scores up. This can be accomplished by working with the other Board members and Administration.
- What do you feel is most important for the public to know about you and your candidacy? My wife and I moved back to Pickton 9 years ago. This is the area we always called home and wanted to raise our kids. We wanted to give them the small town/small school experience. I believe by giving my kids and all others the small school experience we give them a better learning opportunity. A better learning opportunity for everyone is my main focus.