Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Intersection Signals, Beacons Set for Six Locations in Four Counties

April 26, 2019

PARIS – Texas Department of Transportation officials today announced that a project to upgrade existing traffic signals, and install flashing beacons or intersection warning beacons at six locations in four counties in Northeast Texas will begin the week of April 29.

Contractor SJ&J Construction LLC was granted 100 working days, weather permitting, to complete this project valued at more than $200,000. The target completion date for this project funded by the Federal Hazard Elimination Program is the fall of 2019, officials said.

The contractor will perform the following work at these intersections in the nine-county Paris District: Franklin County: FM 115 at FM 1448, install flashing beacon. Hopkins County: State Highway 19 at FM 2285, install advance intersection warning beacon. Lamar County: FM 195 (20th Street) at BU 82H (Lamar Street); BU 271B (Clarksville Street) at Collegiate Drive; and US 82 at FM 38, upgrade existing signal and add pedestrian features. Red River County: State Highway 37 at BU 37C, install flashing beacon.

Officials said these roadways will remain open to traffic at all times, and access to adjacent properties will be maintained while this work is underway.

Motorists who travel regularly in this area should remain alert and pay special attention to all signs, barricades and traffic controls, and reduce their speed as they approach and travel through work zones. They should also avoid distractions such as cell phones, eating, drinking, or car audio or navigation systems.

For more information, contact [email protected] or (903) 737-9213.

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Author: KSST Webmaster

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