Two women were taken into custody in Cumby Thursday evening, after police found pipes, marijuana seeds and a needle in their vehicle, according to arrest reports.
Cumby Police Officer Zack Steward reported stopping a Ford F-150 pickup about 7:40 p.m. Thursday on Williams Street, after noticing the female passenger was not secured by a seat belt.
When the truck stopped, the female passenger got out of the truck and started to walk off; Steward detained her, the officer alleged in police reports.
Steward reported contacting the driver, who agreed to a search of the truck. The officer, in arrest reports, alleged several items of drug paraphernalia, including pipes, marijuana seeds and a needle were found.
Both the driver and passenger, a 48-year-old Sulphur Springs woman and a 45-year-old Cumby woman, denied ownership of the items, so both were taken to jail for possession of drug paraphernalia, according to arrest reports.