City National Bank is the Community Partner.
We are having an INDOOR PICNIC!
Ham Slices
Frito Corn Salad
Marinated Black Eyed Pea Salad
Deviled Eggs
Fresh Fruit Melange
The weather has been dreary of late. Let’s picnic indoors–there will be no ants to bother us! Same time (11:45 a.m.) Same place (Fellowship Hall of the First United Methodist Church). Promises of delicious food and good visiting. Join us.
The mission of the Dinner Bell is to end hunger in Hopkins County. Fresh, hot, nutritious meals are prepared by volunteers each Wednesday and served to our guests at the First United Methodist Church. Through the generous support of church and community members and corporate sponsors we have been able to serve over 20,000 meals to those in need since opening our kitchen in 2012.
If you or your business would like to sponsor a Dinner Bell meal, give them a call at 903.885.2185