David Bryan Douglas of Houston, Texas passed from this earth on Monday, May 27, 2019 in Houston, Texas. He died of a heart condition. David was born on June 13, 1951 to Bryan William Douglas and Elsie Aldridge Douglas. His father, mother and his younger sister Teresa Ann Douglas preceded David in death. David Douglas’ family has a long history in the Sulphur Springs and Scroggins, Texas areas. David enjoyed telling the story of Euna Winkle Aldridge – David’s grandmother. She was the first telephone operator in Franklin County, Texas. She also ran the store in Scroggins, Texas. David’s father was the agriculture agent for Franklin County and David’s mother was a long time member of the Sulphur Springs Independent School District. David Bryan Douglas was a life long member of the Sulphur Springs First United Methodist Church. David attended Sulphur Springs High School and graduated in 1969. After high school, David attended East Texas State University in Commerce, Texas and then transferred to the University of Texas at Austin. David graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelors degree in 1973 and then a Masters degree in 1975. While at the University of Texas, David studied history, government, technology, and education. David became a Texas History teacher and American History teacher and taught public school in La Marque, Texas from 1975-1979. He was an ardent history teacher and touched many lives of students and fellow teachers. David was greatly respected as a teacher by students, parents, and fellow faculty. He had a life long passion for history and especially for the history of the great state of Texas. After four years of teaching, David was drawn into a second profession. David’s keen sense of science and technology led him into the seismic oil industry. He became a natural leader in this industry and he went on to lead sales departments in Central America, South America, Indonesia, China, and Russia. He represented GeoQuest for many years as well as other leaders in the industry. David also worked for and represented Schlumberger for years, which is the world’s leading provider of technology for reservoir characterization, drilling, production, and processing to the oil and gas industry. He had an incredible grasp of international energy development and its need for scientific and geo seismic exploration and development. He eventually went to the four corners of the earth to develop the worldwide energy industry. Upon his retirement from the energy industry David’s passion for Texas History reemerged. David loved everything about Texas. He loved its people, its history, its flora, fauna, and its lore.
David created the web site Everyone Loves Texas (ELT) and he managed and contributed to its success on a daily basis for many years. ELT grew to more than 5,000 members and David continued his role as a fan and teacher of Texas history and lore well into his retirement. Thousands of people enjoyed and learned from ELT over the years and his daily Texas History lessons were relished across Texas and the World. David Douglas was a Christian and a Believer. He asked that this inscription be placed on his tombstone, “Dear Lord I believe You raised Jesus from the dead. I accept Him as my personal Lord and Savior from sin and He has saved me. I thank Him for forgiving me and giving me eternal life. Amen!” David Bryan Douglas is survived by his niece Andrea Suzanne Clark. He is also survived by his good friends Mike Stellas, Cody Alexander, Nikki Ashley, Mona Giles, Saundra Grayson, John Hall, Janette Hall, Johnny Hall and others who cherish his memory, good nature, generosity and his friendship. Services will be held by West Oaks Funeral Home of Sulphur Springs, Texas and burial will be in the family plot at Bethel Cemetery of Franklin County, Texas.
A graveside memorial service for David Bryan Douglas will be held at the Bethel Cemetery of Franklin County, Texas on Saturday, June 29, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. In lieu of flowers, gifts are encouraged to be made to Zoi’s Animal Rescue care of Michael Stellas at 17676 Whippoorwill Road, Navasota, Texas 77868 or to Bethel Cemetery, Franklin County, Texas in care of Neta Kemp at 13161 Scroggins, Texas 75480.