Wildcats Head Football Coach and Athletic Director Greg Owens said spring football workouts were good for his team and coaching staff this year. This is the fourth year for the Wildcats to have spring football. He described his current team as youthful after 32-seniors graduated off of this past season’s team. Coach Owens said his current bunch brings energy and excitement. He added they don’t always know where they are going sometime. Coach Owens said during spring practice coaches put the players under pressure to see how they react. He said the main goal of spring ball is to develop the offensive line and the defensive front seven and safeties. Because of the youth of the team, Coach Owens said the Wildcats are participating in more 7 on 7 football than usual right now for the reps it provides for players throwing, catching and covering. He said spring football has featured teaching, teaching and teaching of fundamentals. Coach Owens said there have been lots of bright spots and he said it has been very productive. He added it has also shown there is still a lot to be done and things to work on this summer. Spring practice ended Thursday in the athletic period during the school day. All that’s left now is the Spring Game coming up Friday at 6 p.m. at Gerald Prim Stadium.
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