Registration for next year’s kindergartners in Sulphur Springs Independent School District’s Two-Way Dual Language Enrichment Program is ongoing through Friday, May 17.
The enrichment program is designed to teach children a second language in a natural way through subject content instruction and everyday classroom conversation.
In the two-way dual language program native English-speaking students and native Spanish-speaking students are paired together to learn to speak and read in both languages.
Students develop oral and cognitive academic language in both English and Spanish, while mastering grade-level knowledge and skills in all content areas. Students will initially learn to read and write in their first language with formal literacy instruction in the second language in grades 2-5.
Students receive Spanish and English instruction in language arts and reading according to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills curriculum requirements. Science and social studies are taught in Spanish and mathematics it taught in English. The program is based on the Gomez and Gomez Dual Language Enrichment Model.
Potential students must also complete a basic screening process. Parents will be notified if their child has been accepted into the program, then must sign a contract agreeing to the terms and keeping their student in the program through fifth grade.
The 2019-2020 kindergarten class was expected to have 30-35 seats for English speaking students; the exact number will depend on the number of native Spanish speakers enrolled in the program. As of Monday, 27 seats had already been filled. The program is a six year commitment; students enroll in kindergarten and continue in the program through fifth grade.
Parents and guardians interested in enrolling their kindergartners in the Spanish immersion program for the 2019-20 school year may stop by SSISD Administration Building, 631 Connally St., or Travis Primary, 130 Garrison St., to complete an application.
For additional program information, view the program video or contact the Dual Language/ESL Department at 903-885-2153, ext. 1148.