Reilly Springs Memorial Day
Reilly Springs is still a vibrant community in Hopkins County! Families with deep roots there return each year to honor loved ones who have passed away and rest in the Reilly Springs Cemetery. This year’s memorial service was held on May 19, 2019 in the sanctuary of the Reilly Springs Baptist Church. Opening the service was an introduction by Reverend Danny Caldwell, pastor of Reilly Springs Baptist Church since 2018.
Yvonne Miller King welcomed everyone, and Bill Owens and children’s Sunday School members provided special music. Mandi Morton Mitchell served as Mistress of Ceremonies, and along with Sandy Jenkins Buster and Parris Pickett, presented memorials and special awards. The family with the most members present was the Mary McDonald Koon family with 23 members. The Miller family had 18 members present. Artie Mae Bailey was named oldest person present, at age 94. Kerry Bailey presented a cemetery report and introduced board member Rhonda Wallace Loggins who has volunteered to re-map the cemetery. Hopkins County Judge Robert Newsom presented an inspiring message for everyone, and after the service concluded, everyone was invited next door for a covered-dish dinner spread at the Reilly Springs Community Center.