Work on the city’s summer paving projects is nearing completion, with work on Locust and a block of Mulberry completed, thanks to the new street maintenance fee, but at least two city streets remain closed or at least partially closed due to road construction, according to City Manager Marc Maxwell.
Locust Street between Main Street and Houston Streets has been repaved, as was one block of Mulberry Street said to be in most disrepair, according to the city manager.
Work on Sunset Street, however, has been held up due to weather. The ground has to be dry enough to put down cement to stabilize it. Cement will be mixed in the sand, to give it a good base on which to build the concrete street, according to Maxwell.
In the CrossTown Trail project, work on Connally Street continues, marked by areas fenced out in orange, mounds of dirt, road construction signs, and pipes at the corner of Connally and Rogers Street.
This road project is still months from being complete, with utility and drainage work to be completed. This project will connect Coleman Park and downtown, via a sidewalk, which will be the very last part of the project. Water, sewer, drainage and gas lines have to be in place first, and the road rebuilt. Water mains and lines, and Atmos main were on the list for work this month.