Joyce Dodd reports, “Martha’s [Payton] brother donated several bags of groceries to our pantry this week. Georgia [Smith] also made another donation. We have some very faithful people helping us out. Blessings keep finding their way to our little pantry.” She added that Yvonne Weir donated canned meats and “angels” brought four bags of food. We always appreciate the contributions.
A small group of the Horn family gathered at the Tira Community Center for a reunion on Saturday, May 4. Everyone enjoyed visiting, looking at family photos, bidding on silent auction items, and, of course, the delicious pot-luck lunch. Those attending included Doug Burkham, Dorreice Shuptrine, Doug and Gae Lou Haley, Betty Sue Johnson, June Vessel, Mitzi Doran, Sandra Ellison, Diane Wilcher, Jimmy and Janie Lewis, Elizabeth Steinsiek, Jaidyn Joslin, Chip and myself. We hope to have a bigger group next year on the first Saturday in May.
Our great-grandsons, Rylan, Brailon and Slaiden, came over for a while on Saturday evening. Our daughter and granddaughter, Jaidyn, came for a visit, too. Jaidyn and the boys always enjoy playing on their riding toys. Brailon and Slaiden were particularly interested in playing with the frogs that they and their daddy, Landon, found. They, reluctantly, released them back into the pond before returning home.
Tiffany Vaughn spent Thursday evening Saturday morning in Malvern, Arkansas. She picked Jaidyn up from the reunion on Saturday and they went to watch Brailon Joslin, son of Landon and Laiken Joslin, play t-ball in Commerce. Brailon’s family enjoyed cheering him on, and then going out to lunch together.
The Aiguier Cemetery Association meeting and homecoming will be held on Sunday, June 2. Watch for details to come soon.
Also, mark your calendar for the Tira Homecoming, which will be held on Sunday, July 7.
Chip’s sister, Linda Ellen Vaughn, had lunch with us on Sunday, along with Tiffany and Jaidyn. Chip and I attended the North East Texas Choral Society’s “Stage and Screen” concert that afternoon. The choir and musicians did a wonderful job of presenting the familiar TV, Broadway and movie themes, under the direction of Carol Allen.
I always need and appreciate input from my friends to help keep me informed of news in our community. If you have any news pertaining to Tira residents, past or present, please contact me, Jan Vaughn, at 903-438-6688 or [email protected].