Central Baptist Church’s 70th anniversary will be celebrated Sunday, June 30, with special guests, food and fellowship.
A combined service for all ages will begin at 10:30 a.m. No formal Sunday school will be held June 30, but all are welcome arrive early for fellowship at 9:30; breakfast will be provided.
Bro. Don Baier will be the special guest speaker and worship will be led by Jason Starrett for the anniversary service.
Lunch will be available in the Family Life Center after the morning service. Church families have been asked to bring at least two side dishes to share; meat will be provided.
An early afternoon service will immediately follow lunch. No eveing services are scheduled.
All current and past members, along with the community, are invited to these special celebratory anniversary services starting at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, June 30.
Central Baptist Church is located at 840 Connally St., at the corner of Connally and League streets, across from Kids Kingdom. For additional information, call the church office at 903-885-3660 or visit ww.atcentral.org