Hopkins County Commissioners Court during their regular session Monday renewed a Nuisance Abatement Act and a contract with Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Commissioners also heard an update from company officials regarding i3 Vertical’s acquisition of NET Data.
Citizen Comments
During the citizen comments portion of Monday’s commissioners court meeting, Dave Graves and D’Anne Chaney were present on behalf of NET Data. Graves noted the company had been acquired on April 3 by Nashville-based i3 Verticals, with an announcement about the acquisition on April 8.
NET Data was i3 Verticals’ 26th subsidiary. As of Friday, that number had grown to 29 subsidiaries. About six of those subsidiaries are public sector vertical, that is serving municipal or county governments at some level, and one serving state-level government, according to Graves.
“We were really excited about it. We searched long and hard to find a company that would leave us whole and leave us in Sulphur Springs. That was important to our family and our staff have a future with whatever company we picked,” Graves said, noting this month marks the company’s anniversary
Graves said the company’s 36 years in Sulphur Springs “it’s been absolutely amazing.”
“This company with its resources and our vertical, brings more products and services to our suit of products and services, that’s really exciting to behold.We in the near future look forward to showing you guys, and letting your offices know what we have to offer,” Graves said.
Graves said all products and services will continue to be offered in Sulphur Springs, as well as “a lot more products and services” including additional financial and law enforcement products, and licensed municipal products and services.
And, he anticipates being able to offer them at a quicker pace, as the company is committed to growing rapidly. Instead of having to completely rewrite or design products the company can acquire the pieces needed to meet the need in many cases to better serve their customers needs.
“On a positive note, we are continuing to be, to have a large presence in Austin. Your interests are our interests so get a lot of benefit from vendors like us lobbying the state for same things you guys want. We continue those fights and make headway there, and do everything we can for you guys,” Graves said.
“We are excited about what the future brings. We are available to every one of you. Whenever you need, just let us know,” Graves told the commissioners.
Nuisance Abatement
The nuisance abatement act updates the one put in place several years ago in the county, but that document is past it’s expiration date. By approving the document, The act environmental office Jim Dial can work under the local health authority and pursue action against anyone putting waste out over the county illegally that presents a public health danger. Currently, Hopkins County Judge Robert Newsom said, Dial is the only one trained to to do so. Dial would work under Dr. Balkcom for any nuisance abatement action in accordance with Texas Health and Safety Code.
Precinct 3 Commissioner Wade Bartley asked who would be responsible with tearing down a nuisance if one is identified.
Newsom explained the owner would be responsible for costs and whatever is necessary to resolve the public health nuisance. Adopting the nuisance abatement act simply provides Dial with more tools with which to work.
TCEQ Contract
The TCEQ contact the commissioners court approved Monday will allow the county to man an application to receive $5,000 through that agency. County Judge Robert Newsom explained that the county has done this before. The original deadline to submit the application was missed, but the deadline has been extended, The contract is required to apply for funding.
Auction Item
In other action, the court agreed to list the piano that’s been in the courthouse basement for numerous years on an online auction site. The court had originally intended for the piano to be auctioned through Commerce auction site. The piano has yet to be sold.
Consent Agenda
Approval was given to North Hopkins Water Supply Corporation’s request to install two road bores on County Road 3565 and to Farmers Electric Cooperative Inc. to construct electrical power distribution facilities across County Road 1165, north of CR 1160.
These items were approved along with previous meeting minute as part of the court’s consent agenda Monday.
Training Recognition
Precinct 1 Justice of the Peace BJ Teer was recognized for successfully completing 20 hours of the Justice of the Peace Seminar held April 23-26, as provided by rules promulgated by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals 2018-19.