By Jan Vaughn
We want to express our sympathy to the family of John Hadley. He passed away on Monday, June 3. The funeral service will be at West Oaks Funeral Home on Saturday, June 8, at 2 p.m. No formal visitation is planned. Please be in prayer for the family.
Janie Lewis informed me that John Weatheread’s brother, Keith Weatheread, passed away. I don’t have details on services. Please remember the family in prayer.
The Tira City Council met on Monday, June 3, at the Tira Community Center. Several of the Tira Volunteer Firefighters were there, too. The council discussed upkeep and repairs on the Center. Shawn Martin, Tira Assistant Fire Chief, shared about recent equipment upgrades and recommended Tony Macy, former San Diego firefighter, for Captain, and Scot Norman, former Dallas firefighter, as Lieutenant, for the department. The council was unanimous in approving the recommendation. The group discussed the passing of former Mayor, John Hadley, and voted to purchase a memorial plaque to be displayed in memory of him.
The reunion of families Lewis, Joslin, Speaks, Braden, Parker, Hobgood, and King was held on Saturday, June 1, 2019. I don’t have details about their gathering, but they made a donation of $500 to the Tira Community Center and $500 to the Tira Volunteer Fire Department. The Tira City Council and volunteer firefighters want to express their appreciation to the family for their generous contribution.
Joyce Dodd reported that she received a $100 donation for the Tira Food Pantry.
The annual Tira Homecoming will be coming up on Sunday, July 7. The program will begin at 11 a.m. inside the Tira Methodist Church. We appreciate Danna Lewis volunteering to be in charge of the program and look forward to what she has lined out for the event. After the program, there will be a pot-luck lunch at the picnic tables on the grounds. Please plan on coming to share food, fellowship, and memories. Donations for the upkeep of the cemetery are always welcome and needed. Contributions may be given that day or mailed to the Tira Cemetery Association, c/o Jan Vaughn, 776 FM 1536, Sulphur Springs, TX 75482. I want to express my appreciation to Regina Payton and her mother, Martha Payton, for preparing and mailing letters about the homecoming to the people in their database, on behalf of the Tira Cemetery Board. If you would like to be on the mailing list, please let me know and I will be sure they have your information.
There was a good group at the North Hopkins School Cafeteria on Sunday, June 2, for the Aiguier Cemetery Association meeting. Everyone enjoyed a delicious covered dish luncheon and visiting, and then there was a brief business meeting.
Perry and Tiffany (Vaughn) Gilbert returned to Tira after spending a few days in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. They arrived in time to see Brailon Joslin play in his T-ball games on Saturday. They loaded up some things that afternoon for their move and spent the night with us. Jaidyn had been with us for the week. They all went to church and the Aiguier Cemetery lunch on Sunday, and then headed back to Malvern, Arkansas. Jaidyn left on Monday for church camp with Perry’s niece.
Grace and Linda Ellen Vaughn visited with us on Sunday afternoon.
I always need and appreciate input from my friends to help keep me informed of news in our community. If you have any news pertaining to Tira residents, past or present, please contact me, Jan Vaughn, at 903-438-6688 or [email protected].