Jay’den Brooke Holly is a 14-year old athlete who will be a Freshman Sulphur Springs High School Wildcat in August 2019. She transferred to Sulphur Springs Middle School earlier this year and brought along her interest in track and field events, particularly discus and shotput. She has been a member of the Texas Amateur Athletics Federation (TAAF) for the past two years, and competed on the State level last year. Now she is headed to the ‘State Games of Texas’ TAAF competition again, which will be held at Bryan College Station July 26-29, 2019. Over 5,000 athletes from 17 different Texas regions are expected to attend the Parade through the city and the meets. Jay’den’s trip will be assisted by proceeds from a Brisket Baked Potato fundraiser this Friday. Call in orders at 214-938-1461.
Jay’den is the daughter of Sonya Rush of Sulphur Springs and Christopher Holly of Dallas. A couple of years ago while attending Mesquite ISD, Jay’den participated in some track and field exercises during athletics class when her talent at throwing was discovered. Her mom got busy looking for summer camps for Jay’den and found TAAF, recommended by a cousin and former Wildcat athlete Carrington Chancellor. In 2018, Jay’den won at Regionals and competed at State and now, with another year of growth and experience behind her, Jay’don recently claimed a 1st in Discus and 2nd in Shotput. She got the chance to polish her form even more by attending the Michelle Carter Confidence Camp. Carter, a North Texas Olympic gold medalist, is a three-time Olympian whose camps inspire athletically talented women to set their goals high. Jayden proudly wears the t-shirt and the silver and gold medals she brought home from that camp. Jay’den was also selected as an “AVID” student (Advancement Via Individual Determination) for college readiness, and got to meet local elected officials and tour the courthouse and city hall.
To help Jay’den on her journey to a State win, attend the Brisket Baked Potato Fundraiser on Friday July 19 starting at 10:30 am at 315 Beckham Street. There will be plenty of fully-loaded potatoes for walk-ups, advance orders and for deliveries. Cost is $10 for potato and drink. Phone orders to 214-938-1461. Brisket is prepared by David and Barbara Gordon. Jay’den’s travel expenses will be met by proceeds and other donations.
During a KSST Good Morning Show interview, Enola Gay asked Jay’den what she would like to do in life if she could wish for anything at all. She immediately said “win the Olympics”. Of course she plans high school and has college plans too, and ultimately, she would like to become a defense attorney. Jay’den comes from a very supportive family with numerous athletes, including Wildcat cousins Chrysalyn Person, who excelled in gymnastics and Ariah Wade who is also headed to TAAF State in the Running Relay event.