Tuesday, July 2, was a good day for The Edge conditioning program as Wildcats Football Coach and Athletic Director Greg Owens got a positive report from Coach Matt Young concerning a weekly event that tests athletes mentally.
Usually done on Thursday, coaches switched things around and took athletes to Prim Stadium Tuesday to run up and down the stands. Apparently there was some complaining about running the stands earlier in The Edge. Coach Young said Tuesday the athletes figured some things out and were positive as they attacked the task.
Coach Owens said Edge athletes also had a day focusing on front squats in the weight room. He said his coaches tell athletes that tough people win. Coach Owens said The Edge was like military boot camp. He said athletes go through stuff and push themselves. He said eventually they realize “I can do this.”
Coach Owens was also pleased that the number of athletes at The Edge was up a little bit on Tuesday. He noted that there were only eight days of The Edge left. Two more days this week, only two days next week and a full 4-day week the following week. Coach Owens said players have a a sense of pride and consider it a badge of honor to make it all the way to the end of The Edge.
Coaches also mix in competition at The Edge. Coach Owens called competition the fun part of athletics.